Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another chance for Teacher Training!


WHEN: Sunday, September 25th, 9am in UUCF Blackinton Hall
TIME: 9:00am-10:00am
WHERE: UUCF Blackinton Hall
Childcare provided

Do you have a passion for Unitarian Universalism and discovering new spiritual practices, songs, rituals, and wisdom?
Our lifespan learning program needs you to help guide our children and youth as they make their own discoveries during our Sunday morning program!

Come join us and connect over coffee, bagels and fruit.  We will explore this year’s program and learn tools to help guide our children and youth along their spiritual journey, and strengthen your UU faith along the way!

"But I don't know how to teach about Unitarian Universalism!"

Never fear! A facilitator's role is to be authentically present with our children and youth to help guide them to make their own discoveries. Together you will embark on a journey with our youngsters to discover what being a Unitarian Universalist means to you. During the training, we will work together to share helpful tools and tips for success.

"I would love to be a part of the spiritual journey of our children and youth... but... I can't make that training date!"
Please email and let me know! I can do some one-on-one training or I can set up a second training date for those who cannot be here on September 25th.

"I would love to be a part of the spiritual journey of our children and youth... but.. I don't have time!"
Our curriculum for this year is specifically designed with a busy schedule in mind. Prep-time is minimal and we have lots of room for people who have a special skill or gift to share with our youth, but can only commit to one or two Sunday mornings throughout the year.

"I teach five days a week. I don't want to teach on Sundays too..."
Witnessing the spiritual journey of our children and youth on Sunday mornings can be a wonderful, fulfilling experience. Our children and youth bring their own wisdom to the circle, so be prepared to leave with a renewed sense of our faith!

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