Adult Programs

As Unitarian Universalists, we embrace the search for truth and meaning as a life-long endeavor. This means that even after we have grown up that we are all forever students of life.
At UUCF we hope to provide a diverse array of opportunities for those who seek to deepen in knowledge and in spirit; from our Covenant Groups to learning a new language and from UU Theology to a study of The New Jim Crow, I hope you find something to inspire your journey.

~Amy Peterson Derrick
Director of Faith Development

Download our 2013-2014 Program year brochure for details on this year's classes and groups.  Either print the brochure and turn the sign up portion into the front office or sign up online below: 

On-going Programs

Covenant Groups
Create Connections, Deepen spirit
Covenant groups are a small group experience that actively supports each participant's journey toward spiritual growth and self-knowledge. Meeting monthly for 1 1/2 hours, they offer opportunities for deeper reflection, building relationships and personal transformation.
Orientation meeting after service on 9/29. Groups begin in October.
4th Wednesday of the month 1:30pm
4th Wednesday of the month 6:30pm
3rd Friday of the month 6:30pm

Spanish Conversation for Adults and Children
Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm
Sharp Conference room.
We will practice vocabulary development through games, speaking and reading aloud.
Our resource collection includes CDs, curricula, children's games, books and periodicals in Spanish as well as flash cards and sentence building exercises. We teach each other in an informal atmosphere with no pressure or judgment.

Join us for meditation on Tuesdays and Fridays at 2pm.

Knitting Circle
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Join a group us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month for knitting and conversation! Come once or come to every session. This group meets at the home of Annie Anglim in Fenton. Please contact Annie for more information and directions.

Old to Older
Fridays at noon
Are you interested in an ongoing group for seniors that focuses on the joy of aging, retirement issues, and the challenges of later life? Join the Later Life Lunch Bunch on Fridays at noon.

Urantia Book Study
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm
Discussion group led by Thorpe Saxton. Meets weekly in the Emerson Resource room.

Drumming Circle
Join us for community drumming from 1pm-2pm on the second Sunday of each month.
All experiences are welcome; bring a drum or shake a shaker and help us create the heartbeat of community together! Children are welcome to participate with a responsible adult.
Contact June Urdy

The UU-Flint Adult Choir
Rehearsal: Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the sanctuary. Performs twice a month

The UU-Flint Flute Ensemble
Rehearsal: Wednesdays 7:30 - 8:15 PM  
Performs monthly

UU-Flint Folk (folk singers, guitarists, and other instruments welcome)
Rehearsal: First Sunday of the Month following Coffee Hour, 12:40 PM in the sanctuary. 

2013-14 Adult Religious Exploration Programs

The New Jim Crow: A Study Group
Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm
September 17th- October 22nd
Congregations throughout Greater Genesee County will be reading and discussing Michelle Alexander's important book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness. Six week program followed by a movie presentation on October 25th at UUCF. Contact Rev. Deane Oliva

Articulating Your UU Faith
Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm
April 1st 2014-May 6th 2014
When asked, “what is a Unitarian Universalist?” does your answer sound like a mumble? Or is it a vague explanation that gradually peters out? Come find out a brief history of the UU tradition, what makes UUs Unique, and get help writing your two-minute “elevator speech.” Contact Sue Owen Kinsey

Zen Contemplative Writing Workshop
January 13th through 18th
Four sessions of sitting, walking and writing; a meditative technique to release creativity and areas of personal interest. Must attend a minimum of four one hour sessions plus a 1 1/2 hour final, integrative session. (Can mix and match times and days)
Sessions (choose four) 10am M, T, Th, Fr.     
6:30pm M, T, W, Th.
Integration Session: Fri 6:30-8 or Sat2-3:30. Registration by 12/30/13 is required.

Unraveling the Gender Knot: Challenging the System that Binds Us (Led by June Urdy)
A course for Unitarian Universalist adults and youths and our friends, published by UUWR in 2004. Topics in the seven two-hour sessions include gender, religion, feminism, economics, invisibility and denial, and how to challenge the
patriarchal system.

Coming Winter/Spring 2014

Book Club Led by Sue Owen Kinsey and Amanda Sauvie

The Great Awakening: Seven Commitments to Revive America: By Jim Wallis
Book Discussion led by John Helsom
“What will it take to solve the biggest issues of our time: extreme and needless poverty, global warming and environmental degradation, terrorism and the endless cycle of violence, racism, human trafficking, health care and education, and other pressing problems?”

The Grandmother Galaxy: A Journey into Feminist Spirituality By Rev. Shirley Ranck
Book Discussion led by Marion Van Winkle
The Grandmother Galaxy is one woman's journey into three spirals of learning that have emerged and confront us in the 21st century-women's creative spirituality, a growing appreciation of our earthly home, and a deepening respect for the varied cultures created by human beings.

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